A new home for Australia's largest ticketed event.


Stakeholder Workshops

Customer Research

Customer Personas

Co-Creation Workshops

Website Design

Supported Agile Development

First held in 1823, the Sydney Royal Easter Show is Australia’s largest annual ticketed event, attracting over 828,000 attendees on average and bringing over $247M to the Australian economy. The Show is a celebration of Australian culture, from rural traditions to modern-day lifestyles, providing unique experiences for everyone. Revenue generated by it allows the Royal Agricultural Society to invest in agricultural programs, competitions, education, youth and rural NSW.

Helping the Sydney Royal Easter Show support their customer needs throughout the year.

Studio LDN and their partners Sudo Roux, were engaged by The Royal Agricultural Society to help understand user insights across customers and exhibitors to ensure continued growth and relevance in the live events space, in a competitive market. Customer research was conducted to educate necessary updates to their current digital presence but also to formulate a digital strategy roadmap for the Sydney Royal Easter Show website. The aim being to commence the move from a once-a-year tradition to a 365 day educational and inspirational resource.

Commencing with stakeholder and customer workshops to truly understand how customers engage with the brand, we identified needs and wants that would support and validate a digital uplift across all touchpoints.

Prioritising the business needs.

Whilst the Sydney Royal Easter Show has had many years of great success, with millions of attendees at their shows year-on-year, the business was seeking clarity regarding user experience across their website and app engagement, pre-event. By conducting stakeholder workshops we identified key areas across the journey that needed addressing in order to improve the experience for users leading up to the event and after.

This created more opportunities for retention and engagement strategies across the business.

Identifying customer needs.

Customer interviews illuminated key traits, behaviors, goals and needs of the users. The need for the website to tell the story of agricultural excellence, the rich history of the show as well as clearly helping to way-find the experiences to be found on the day, were the key points validated by research. Bringing the country to the city and educating attendees on ‘what’s on’ in a relatable, inspirational and fun way was key to the success of the website.

Designing the solution for customers.



By creating a mobile first, accessible design with a simplified architecture, which provided a robust and clear home for event information and allowed for better planning and wayfinding, we were able to design a solution that would drive more engagement and overall satisfaction. With the premise of ‘explore’ we created the ability to drive excitement about the show, sell more tickets and allow users to have a more personalised experience.

Built for scale and flexibility.

To ensure greater engagement from customers and more flexibility for content authoring by the Sydney Royal Easter Show team, we ensured the design offered maximum content management capabilities with plenty of content authoring around event information, news and updates. This allowed the business to promote the great work they do as well as allow users to access more timely and relevant information.


Watch this space for results post show in late April 23!